Created and directed by Celeste Lai & Peyton Skyler, narrated by Kathy Shin, Music & Sound design by David Kamp.
Blankfillers has won an Craft Award for Writing at ASIFA-East Festival in 2016 and also made it to the Finalist at Urban Nomad Film Festival shorts competition in 2015.
Below is a list of festivals and venues that has officially selected our film to be part of their program:
-Animation Block Party/Rooftop Films (New York) 2014
-Chicago International Children's Film Festival (CICFF) 2014
-Animasivo (Mexico City) 2014
-New York International Children's Film Festival 2015
-Little Big Shots (Australia) 2015
-St. Louis International Film Festival Shorts 2015
-Urban Nomad Film Festival (Taipei) 2015
-Walker Art Center 2015
-Spectacle Theater Headspace Showcase (New York) 2015
-ASIFA-East Festival 2016
-Animation Is Film Festival (Women In Animation) 2017